Everyone has different goals and a different genetic make up, meaning that any training and nutrition programme needs to be individualised. This is what Core Fitness specialises in, creating individual programmes aimed at achieving fantastic results. The studio is not a traditional gym or personal training studio with multiple trainers and there are no distractions in the studio. Patrick concentrates solely on YOUR personal training session. Here is what is included in personal training sessions at Core Fitness:
Fat Loss Training
Many fat loss plans are simply ineffective, these are plans that ask clients to spend countless hours on treadmills, stationary bikes, or to keep following the same resistance training routine over and over again. The people that train this way are more than likely never going to achieve the results or physique that they want.
Resistance training done correctly speeds up fat loss, however, many people (personal trainers included) do not train this effectively or use inappropriate exercises they have seen some cover model recommending on social media. Patrick can help you by designing effective fat loss workouts that deliver consistent results.
Muscle Building
The key to building muscle is through resistance training that utilises the methods of progressive overload, time under tension, type of contraction, speed of contraction, muscle fatigue, adequate rest, and optimal nutrition, among other more advanced methods. Patrick will help you to get these right and create the body you crave.
It's easy to start a new fitness and nutrition program and really go at it for a month. We've all been there though, when the excitement starts to fade and going to the gym becomes a chore. This is fatal in achieving the results you want, you may end up just going through the motions in the gym and stop progressing, or worse you may just quit all together. This is where Patrick comes in, he designs and constantly updates your workout program to ensure you are getting the absolute optimum performance from your workouts. If you consistently turn up to every session (even when you don't want to) you will achieve fantastic results. Patrick is with you every step of the way to keep you accountable and enthused for every single workout.
You can click the enquire now button on this page, and fill out the contact form. Alternatively, you can email Patrick at patrick@corefitness-pts.co.uk or call him on 07825 314699 and he will be happy to help.
Personal training packages can be booked in the following monthly blocks:
With this you get:
Personal Training in Leeds - One on One personal training